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Community Pool

The pool is open from 6 am - 11 pm.


The pool is officially open for the spring! Before going to the pool, please review the rules and reminders provided below regarding use of the pool and common areas. Specifically, please take note of rules and guidance for minors. Once at the pool, please review all posted signs in and around pool area and grounds.


REMINDER: All homeowner’s whose Dues are paid in full, and are in good standing, are granted pool access. If you have not paid your homeowner’s dues, please contact us at


Hours of Operation

6 AM - 11 PM Daily


Last Day of the Season

September 29, 2024

WBC_drone pool2 view_may 2021.PNG

Pool Rules

NO SMOKING - “No Smoking” policy in place for all common areas, this includes the parking lot, pavilion, playground, tennis area, pool, bathrooms.  This includes vaping products, cigarettes, e-cigarettes and any other similar smoking products.  


NO GLASS - Per Gwinnett County Ordinance, NO GLASS is allowed in the pool or on the pool deck.  If we have broken glass, in the pool or pool deck, we must drain the pool for cleaning.


POOL ENTRANCES - All entrance gates must remain closed and locked at times as mandated by Gwinnett County ordinance. DO NOT PROP DOORS OPEN. The neighborhood association can be fined and/or pool shut down for violations.  Jumping over the pool fence to get into pool area can lead to fines and/or pool privileges being revoked.


CHILDREN UNDER 13 - Children under the age of 13 are NOT permitted to use the pool/pool area, without the direct supervision of an adult (18 years or older).


YOUTH POOL PASSHomeowners with children/minors between the ages of 13 and 17, may complete a Youth Pool Pass Application. The application allows a Parent/Legal Guardian the ability to consent to a minor 13-17 years of age - use of the pool without an adult (18 or over) being present.  If the application is approved, the minor will be provided a “Pool ID Tag”.  The minor must have the Pool ID Tag with them every time they attend the pool.  The minor should keep their Pool ID Tag visible (on their person or with their belongings, while using the pool/pool area.  Homeowner’s Association Board Members may request to see the minor’s Pool ID Tag.  Any unattended minor, at the pool without a Pool ID Tag, may be asked to leave. Youth Pool Pass applications are available online or can be requested from the association


INFECTIOUS / COMMUNICABLE DISEASES - Persons experiencing any of the following symptoms are not to enter or utilize the Waterbury Cove Community amenities.

Fever, persistent cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, new loss of taste or smell, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.


OPEN WOUNDS - Persons with open wounds or cuts are advised not to use the pool.


EMERGENCY 911 PHONE - Phone in pool hallway is for emergency purposes ONLY. Do not use for personal use.


SWIM DIAPERS - All children in diapers or who are not potty trained must wear plastic or vinyl training pants over a swim diaper.  There are no exceptions, this is a government health regulation. For sanitary reasons, diapers should not be changed on the pool deck. A diaper changing station is available in the Ladies Restroom.  Homeowners are required to use a disposable bag/container to discard used diapers and they must be discarded in the large trash containers outside the main door of the pool area.  DO NOT PLACE USED DIAPERS IN TRASH CONTAINERS ON THE POOL DECK OR RESTROOMS. Dad’s, you are welcome to use this space. 


FIRST AID KIT - First Aid kit is located in the Ladies restroom and is there for emergency purposes only.  If you should need to use any of the supplies or notice that the kit has been tampered with, please contact if the kit needs restocking. 


NO SOLO SWIMMING - Solo swimming is not permitted for safety reasons.


NO DIVING - No diving, max depth of the pool is not safe for headfirst diving.


NO VEHICLES - No bicycles, skateboards or vehicles are permitted in pool area.


NO SMOKING - No smoking is permitted in any community or amenities areas.  This includes Pool/Pool area/Pavilion/Parking Lot/Playground or Tennis Courts.


SALT WATER POOL - Waterbury Cove pool is a ‘saltwater’ pool.  The water is still treated and sanitized with chlorine, but the process differs from that of a traditional chlorine pool.  Saltwater chlorine generation results in fewer chloramines, which are the real culprit of the feeling and smell often associated with traditional chlorine pools. Saltwater pools are often preferable among people with sensitive skin, allergies or asthma.


NO PROFANITY - Use of profanity at the pool or community areas is not permitted.


MUSIC / NOISE - Please be mindful of all guests.  No excessively loud music or music containing profanity is permitted at the pool/pool area. Please see rules sign on pool premises.  


ALCOHOL - Adults 21 and over are permitted to have alcohol on premises.  No glass or kegs permitted.   Maximum of 6 guests allowed per homeowner. 


PAVILION RESERVATIONS - The pavilion is available for homeowners to reserve for parties/group gatherings.  Though the pavilion can be reserved, the pool cannot be reserved for private use.  Please be mindful if you are having a gathering at the pavilion; the pool rules still apply to all guests of homeowner. 


POOL CONTAMINATION - Should the pool become contaminated with fecal matter, vomit, blood or other biologicals; the pool is required -by county ordinance- to be closed for treatment and will remain closed for a minimum of 24-hours.  All homeowners or guests are asked to make their best/reasonable effort to promptly notify one of the following: 


Pool Maintenance Coordinator, Roxanne Wilson 770-378-9128

(Please text for fastest response and leave your name/contact information)


Waterbury Cove Board members

HMS (Homeowner’s Management Services) 770-667-0595


POOL MAINTENANCE COMPANY - The pool is maintained by AMS Pool Aquatic Management Specialist, Inc.

Pool Rules

Youth Pool Pass Application Form
​* for children between ages of 13-17  (permitted to be at pool without an adult)

I, (the youth named on this form), understand that this pass has been granted to me as a privilege and will be revoked if I do not abide by all pool rules.  It is my responsibility to make sure that my pass remains with me and visible at all times.  If I should take a guest or family member (must be age 13 or older), it is my responsibility to make sure they understand and abide by all rules.  I understand that a $5.00 fee will be charged for a lost pool pass.  I also understand that if I should lose my pass a second time, my youth pool privileges could be revoked.

I, (the parent/guardian), give my permission for my youth to receive a "Youth Pool Pass" and certify their age as listed on this form is correct, which my permission allows my youth to use the Waterbury Cove Subdivision pool without adult supervision.  I understand that no lifeguard or adult will be on duty.  I believe that my youth has the maturity to handle this responsibility.  The birth date listed above is accurate.

Youth Pass

Request a Pool Key Fob
* $10 replacement fee for a lost pool key fob



Minor children of homeowners, who are between the ages of 13 and 17, can be at the pool without an adult only if they have a Youth Pool Pass. The parent/guardian must complete a Youth Pool Pass Application giving the minor(s) specific permission.  A wrist band will be issued, and the minor(s) must have the wrist band with them, while using the pool.  PLEASE NOTE: minors between the ages of 13 and 17, CANNOT supervise nor be responsible for another minor family member - that is under the age of 13.



Key Fob
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